Providing in-house engineering, design and fabrication
The Bauer’s mission is to design and manufacture outstanding equipment thanks to its continuous commitment in investing in technology and resources.
Bauer’s motto, passion at work, makes all the difference. It separates the extraordinary from the ordinary and pushes towards a relentless quest for perfection. Working with passion in a caring environment and safe workplace is one of the key aspects of our success.

Leading company in the industrial automation field, at a global level
Combining innovative engineering solutions with easy-to-use, open automation and enabling technologies, Bauer Factory helps companies of all sizes.

Petrolium Refinery

Sustainable Energy Production

Research and Fabrication

Automation and Robotics
The story of our success
The history of Bauer starts with many first steps. The step into independence, onto the automotive market and onto the factory floor of major manufacturing.

The beginnings

Leaders in Clean Energy

The Energy of The Future

The beginnings

The beginnings
With energy and expertise in technology and innovation
Our factory is consisted of dedicated, professional experts with the constant aim to offer unique services and support to our market.
Our reason to exist is to support customers in improving the performance of their technological processes, ensuring continuity and sustainably maximising value.
Being the Pioneer, Building the Future
Knowledgeable professionals
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Pre-Construction and Planning
Knowledgeable professionals
Laborum non occaecat aliquip officia et pariatur irure reprehenderit fugiat lorem magna aliqua proident. Labore ut ipsum commodo in proident eiusmod ut fugiat cillum velit est. Incididunt incididunt exte quis ad in esse labore. Anim tempor pariatur culpa et aliquip qui do proident eiusmod incididunt quis pariatur ea proident. Eiusmod esse aute cupidatat ad Lorem qui aute veniam deserunt laboris.
We perform post-construction
Knowledgeable professionals
Laborum non occaecat aliquip officia et pariatur irure reprehenderit fugiat lorem magna aliqua proident. Labore ut ipsum commodo in proident eiusmod ut fugiat cillum velit est. Incididunt incididunt exte quis ad in esse labore. Anim tempor pariatur culpa et aliquip qui do proident eiusmod incididunt quis pariatur ea proident. Eiusmod esse aute cupidatat ad Lorem qui aute veniam deserunt laboris.
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